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adjective INFORMAL
greatly surprised or astonished. 目瞪口呆
"this news has left me totally flabbergasted"
“Harry looked at her in surprise. Hermione admitting she didn't know something? Neville seemed just as flabbergasted.”


Chuffed at actually being asked to share his knowledge for once, Neville plopped down next to him.”

very pleased.
"I'm dead chuffed to have won"

past tense: plopped; past participle: plopped
fall or cause to fall with a plop.
"the stone plopped into the pond"
sit or lie down gently but clumsily.
"he plopped himself down on the nearest chair"


谢谢小Neville点题,让我找回看这篇文的初心:"Parsley for desire, sage for wisdom, rosemary for trust and thyme for love." 多美好,多健康的寓意是吧?是吧??是吧?!!
Ehem,希望经过这一遭情节能急转直上。但为什么我有不好的预感,毕竟Scarborough Fair这首歌象是双方都要经历九九八十一难取完各自的经最后才能有情人终成眷属……


Great, 斯哈一起安安静静岁月静好的制作魔药可以算急转直上的暖心情节了,安抚了我之前吐槽不止的情绪。


"Perhaps." Snape picked up a vial and shook it gently. "I must admit to being surprised by a few of your partners. Hagrid for one. Not to mention the werewolf." He uncapped the seal and handed it to Harry. "Drink. We might as well ascertain now if the potion is effective."



Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 28% 第二章完





另,Salazar on his throne,贵圈真乱,师生关系见怪不怪什么的


这篇里的Harry真青春期少年,勇得不得了,能头脑一热就直冲地窖,嗯,主动哈被动斯,是我喜欢的类型 (●'◡'●)






Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 44% 第三章完


Snape slowly turned his head toward his belligerent student. "Pardon me?" His voice was dangerously silky.

"You're not throwing me out on my ear because you got scared," Harry said, his face pale but determined. Snape would not win this battle. "I want you."

"I don't fuck students, Potter." Snape spat the words out. "And if I did, you'd be the last one I'd chose."

"I doubt that." Harry raised his chin. "And I suspect I might want more than a fuck. For some reason that only Merlin and the gods above know, I want you." His voice cracked slightly. "I want to be with you."

"You don't know me."

"I do." Harry stood in front of him. His heart was racing. "I know you're an arrogant, obnoxious bastard who infuriates me so much that I don't know whether to sock you or to snog you. Or both," he added with a slight quirk of his lips. "You're intelligent, opinionated, irritating, loyal, and incredibly sexy though you're nowhere near being attractive. Your voice alone makes me want to bend you over your desk in the Potions classroom and bugger you until you howl my name at the top of your lungs." He snorted. "And you wonder why I'm distracted in your class."

Snape stared at him in shock.

Harry pressed on. "You're hardheaded and stubborn enough to be a complete prat, but then you turn around and show me a tiny little bit of you that I've never seen before and it fascinates me. I hated you for years until I got to know you this term. And then I started to like you a bit. To appreciate the good parts of Severus Snape. And somewhere along the way, despite the fact that I fought it constantly, I went and fell in love with you."

A warmth exploded inside of Harry with those words, a sharp sudden eruption of perfect, pure emotion. He laughed.

"I'm in love with you," he said in wonder.

Snape flinched. "You're not."

"I am." Harry moved closer.

"You can't be." Snape stepped back.

"I can."

"No." Snape shook his head. "You can't love me, Harry."

"I don't have a choice, Severus." Harry rolled Snape's name around on his tongue. It felt right.

"I'm your professor."

"Doesn't matter." Harry's fingertips stroked Snape's cheek. The older man caught his hand.


"Why not?"

"We can't," Snape said, dropping Harry's hand.

"We can." Harry brushed his lips against Snape's jaw.

"I can't." The whisper was anguished.

Harry stepped back. Snape stood ramrod straight, his fists clenched at his sides. His eyes were dark with need. With pain.

"Go, Harry," Snape said. "Don't tempt me. Please."

Harry shook his head. "You deserve to be happy, Severus. We deserve to be happy."

"You don't know me, Potter," Snape hissed.

"I want to," Harry replied. "I want to know how you lived with that beast of a father when you were a child. I want to know how you found yourself in Voldemort's circle. I want to know what keeps you here at Hogwarts. I want to know why you've protected me all these years when you despised my father and his friends. I want to know why you are the man you are, Severus Snape." He stared into the older man's eyes. "I want to know why you're the one I'm drawn to. The one I can't escape. And more than anything I want to know what it is about you that I've fallen in love with."

"Just go." Snape gritted his teeth. "Leave me be."

"I can't."

"You will."

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but the look on Snape's face stopped him. Anger and frustration clashed with need and want and desire. He sighed.

"All right."

Snape relaxed.

"For now," Harry added.

Snape tensed again.

Harry pressed his lips hard up against his professor's, then turned and walked to the door. He paused in the doorway and looked back. Snape held himself stiffly, not daring to look in his direction.

"I do love you," Harry whispered.

Snape waited until the door closed behind the boy before he slipped to the floor, his head cradled in his hands.


Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 51% 第四、第五章完



Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 72% 第六、第七、第八章完

斯哈反复谈心后,肉吃得心满意足,Merry Christmas o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ





Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 80% 第九章完

公开关系总不是一件容易的事,斯哈一起过五关斩六将,(ง •_•)ง


Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 91% 第十章完



Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 进度 100% 全文完




But his eyes.... His eyes are beautiful. Black as ink until you stare into them and see the tiny swirls of amber and green that dance around his pupils. Cold until you see them burn with desire that he cannot articulate. Hard until you see them soften with a rare and unexpected gentleness. Mocking until you see the fear lurking deep within their depths.

from Praemedicatus by Femme




本帖最后由 蜜豆狸 于 2024-12-12 17:12 编辑


背景音:Epic Ambience丨Gregorian修道院 白噪音 Gregorian Monastery Ambience_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
既2003年以Harry为第一人称视角呈现的双教授短篇Praemedicatus之后,Femme于2008年以Severus第一人称视角写了架空教会吸血鬼背景中长篇Exegesis,还看到了之前Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme(2003)中也用过的amulet(护身符)哏,文风感觉更为纯熟,有点像是集大成之作。


Nothing is more conducive to a nicotine addiction than theological debate.

我的内心OS:"I think I know why... "

另一个让我由衷敬佩的是Femme对Severus Snape这个人物的精准把控,虽然是脱离原著的架空世界,但他的内核被无疑完整地呈现出来,挣扎,智慧,压抑,阴沉,尖锐……不由得开始期待读到与Harry产生化学反应的篇章。

